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Mariangela Cassano

Those who know me know that I prefer that my works introduce me.  But I would like to tell you about how Architettiamo Eventi was born.

At the end of the '90s, when there was not even the chance to imagine the wedding and event planner as a job, I started to take my first steps in this field. I started my career as Sommelier, by attending Mise en Place, etiquette and cerimony courses and by working for one of the most important Apulian reception rooms. 

I started to plan and create my first events and cerimonies. I met the professional team I have been working with since then... everything became part of me, just like breathing!

Architettiamo wedding planner agency

In this way Architettiamo eventi was born, the agency which is able to combine different skills and professionals which aim to the same goal: make your dreams come true.

Since then everything has become a wonderful whirlwind of emotions and adventures which started in Milan, where I studied as Wedding Planner. Later on I built my team and I founded Architettiamo Eventi - Wedding e Event Planner Agency!


The future is yet to be written...because at Architettiamo Eventi we never stop!

25, Margherita di Savoia plaza

70056 - Molfetta (BA) - Italy

phone:  +39 340.15.54.397


 2018 Restyling

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